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Graceful But Fierce

Graceful But Fierce

In celebration of women's month, I wanted to highlight and give thanks to some of the women that inspire me…

Stephanie Gilmore. Female World champion Surfer

“I was always such a tomboy until I realised the most powerful thing about a female athlete is that she can be glamorous and fierce at the same time”

- Stephanie Gilmore

This quote resonates with me, as I too was a tomboy growing up. Playing with all the boys and being “the only girl” has been a theme in my life. I sometimes find it hard to get in touch with my feminine side and find a matriarch role model to follow in their footsteps. Stephanie’s words really inspired me as it gave light on a possible path to success with a feminine touch.

Surfing teaches me many lessons. You have to be willing to take beating after beating, be outnumbered by men in the lineup, & still go out there and play in the same arena. Power and strength are necessary, but combined with a touch of the feminine, gracefulness, playfulness and dance, that's when it's truly beautiful and you stand out. As Stephanie put so well: “The greatest guy Surfers surf like girls”

From my experience trying to beat the boys doing it as they do, doesn’t usually work. In surfing or work life or whatever your doing you have to find your own path that suits your strength. Celebrate what makes you feminine, use it to your advantage and bring that flare. Too much feminine can also not be good though so be careful not to let the pendulum swing too far across. The centre point is a happy balance of male and female, ying and yang, power and grace.

Simone Musgrave - Founder and owner of Musgrave Gin

Simone Musgrave - Owner & Founder of Musgrave Gin

Now playing in the liquor industry, dominated by men, it's difficult not to mimic the masculine path to success. Thank you Simone for always taking my calls and being my matriarchal guide and mentor whenever I needed it. You have shown me a path to success with a feminine touch.

Jane Goodall - Primatologist

Photography by Hugo Van Lawick/National Geographic Creative

When I look to an idol to get in touch with my inner mother nature, Jane is pure mother earth.

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.

The greatest danger to our future is apathy. The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

- Jane Goodall

Maya Angelou - Poet, writer and activist.

Maya Angelou - poet, writer and activist.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.”

- Maya Angelou

I give thanks to Maya. Her poems, advice on life and words of inspiration are always so wise with the softness and warmth of a mother's touch.

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Marje Kennan - Mom ❤️

Lastly to my mother, Marje Kennan. Balancing motherhood and work/life and making it look easy. No matter what she does she always gives it her all and makes it look fun. Thank you for always bringing humour, kindness and passion to whatever you do. Most importantly thank you for your unconditional love and constant words of affirmation. Your love liberated me and made me feel I can do anything I put my mind to.

In honour of you and all women, I made a playlist that I hope you dance to ;)

Click on the hyperlink below to play…


Originally posted on Leonista.co.za